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About Rotherham Medical Education Centre
Accessibility: route to Medical Education Centre avoiding steps
Accessibility: website
Accident and Emergency: Phase 3b
Accident and Emergency: Postgraduate Specialty Training
Accommodation at Rotherham Hospital
Acute Care Common Stem
Acute Medicine: Postgraduate Specialty Training
Advanced Practical Skills CMT Training
Anaesthesia: Phase 3b
Anaesthesia: Postgraduate Specialty Training
Accessibility: route to Medical Education Centre avoiding steps
Accessibility: website
Accident and Emergency: Phase 3b
Accident and Emergency: Postgraduate Specialty Training
Accommodation at Rotherham Hospital
Acute Care Common Stem
Acute Medicine: Postgraduate Specialty Training
Advanced Practical Skills CMT Training
Anaesthesia: Phase 3b
Anaesthesia: Postgraduate Specialty Training
Car parks
Car parking pass
Cardiology: Phase 3b
Cardiology: Postgraduate Specialty Training
Cash point
Central Venous Access Device Workshop
Child Health: Phase 3a
Child Health: Postgraduate Specialty Training
Clinical Attachments
Clinical Guidelines: TRFT guidelines are available on The Hub (trust intranet)
Clinical Lecturers
Clinical Radiology
Clinical Skills Team
Clothes: dress code
CMT: Rotherham
CMT: Rotherham Induction Pack
CMT: South Yorkshire
Common Room
Consultant & Specialty Doctor MAST
Contact us
Core Medical Training: see CMT
CPD ePortflio: see Practitioner's ePortfolio
CRUMPET: paediatric simulation training
CVAD Workshop
Car parks
Car parking pass
Cardiology: Phase 3b
Cardiology: Postgraduate Specialty Training
Cash point
Central Venous Access Device Workshop
Child Health: Phase 3a
Child Health: Postgraduate Specialty Training
Clinical Attachments
Clinical Guidelines: TRFT guidelines are available on The Hub (trust intranet)
Clinical Lecturers
Clinical Radiology
Clinical Skills Team
Clothes: dress code
CMT: Rotherham
CMT: Rotherham Induction Pack
CMT: South Yorkshire
Common Room
Consultant & Specialty Doctor MAST
Contact us
Core Medical Training: see CMT
CPD ePortflio: see Practitioner's ePortfolio
CRUMPET: paediatric simulation training
CVAD Workshop
Ear, Nose and Throat: see ENT
Emergency Medicine: see Accident and Emergency
Endocrinology and Diabetes Mellitus: Postgraduate Specialty Training
ENT: Phase 3b
ENT: Postgraduate Specialty Training
ePortfolio: see Practitioner's ePortfolio
Events: calendar
Examiners: Become an OSCE Examiner
Emergency Medicine: see Accident and Emergency
Endocrinology and Diabetes Mellitus: Postgraduate Specialty Training
ENT: Phase 3b
ENT: Postgraduate Specialty Training
ePortfolio: see Practitioner's ePortfolio
Events: calendar
Examiners: Become an OSCE Examiner
Faculty: Simulation
Find us
Floor Plans
Food: restaurants and shops
Foundation homepage
Foundation Office
Faculty: Simulation
Find us
Floor Plans
Food: restaurants and shops
Foundation homepage
Foundation Office
Gastroenterology: Postgraduate Specialty Training
General Medicine: Department at Rotherham Hospital
General Practice: Postgraduate Specialty Training
General Surgery: Department at Rotherham Hospital
General Surgery: Postgraduate Specialty Training
Geriatric Medicine: Postgraduate Specialty Training
Generic Skills Programme
Grand Round: dates
Guidelines: TRFT clinical guidelines are available on The Hub (trust intranet)
General Medicine: Department at Rotherham Hospital
General Practice: Postgraduate Specialty Training
General Surgery: Department at Rotherham Hospital
General Surgery: Postgraduate Specialty Training
Geriatric Medicine: Postgraduate Specialty Training
Generic Skills Programme
Grand Round: dates
Guidelines: TRFT clinical guidelines are available on The Hub (trust intranet)
Haematology: Phase 3b
Haematology: Postgraduate Specialty Training
Handbooks: CMT Medicine Induction Pack
Handbooks: Undergraduate Phase Handbooks for Tutors
Higher Surgical Training: Postgraduate Specialty Training
Hire rooms
Honorary Senior Clinical Lecturers
Haematology: Postgraduate Specialty Training
Handbooks: CMT Medicine Induction Pack
Handbooks: Undergraduate Phase Handbooks for Tutors
Higher Surgical Training: Postgraduate Specialty Training
Hire rooms
Honorary Senior Clinical Lecturers
Mailing list
Mandatory Training: Consultants and Specialty Doctors
MAST: see Mandatory Training
Medical education: policy, guidance and methods
Medical Masterclass
Medical Taster Days
Mandatory Training: Consultants and Specialty Doctors
MAST: see Mandatory Training
Medical education: policy, guidance and methods
Medical Masterclass
Medical Taster Days
Observed Structured Clinical Examinations: see OSCEs
Obstetrics & Gynaecology: see Women's Health
Ophthalmology: Phase 3b
Ophthalmology: Postgraduate Specialty Training - coming soon
Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery: Postgraduate Specialty Training
Orthopaedics: Phase 3b
Orthopaedics and Trauma: Postgraduate Specialty Training: Higher Surgical
OSCE's: Phase 2b and Phase 4
Overnight accommodation at Rotherham Hospital
Overseas Doctors: Clinical Attachments
Obstetrics & Gynaecology: see Women's Health
Ophthalmology: Phase 3b
Ophthalmology: Postgraduate Specialty Training - coming soon
Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery: Postgraduate Specialty Training
Orthopaedics: Phase 3b
Orthopaedics and Trauma: Postgraduate Specialty Training: Higher Surgical
OSCE's: Phase 2b and Phase 4
Overnight accommodation at Rotherham Hospital
Overseas Doctors: Clinical Attachments
Paediatrics: see Child Health
Parking pass
Patient safety
PeP: see Practitioner's ePortfolio
PGME: see About the Medical Education Department
Phases: Undergraduate
Physician Associates
PIEs: Planned Integrated Experiences: how to access the PIEs
PIEs: Planned Integrated Experiences booking page (password protected: contact the Undergraduate Team for access details)
Planned Integrated Experiences booking page (password protected: contact the Undergraduate Team for access details)
Portfolio: see Practitioner's ePortfolio
Postgraduate Medical Education Centre
Postgraduate Trainers: courses in medical education
Practitioner's ePortfolio
Privacy Policy: website
Parking pass
Patient safety
PeP: see Practitioner's ePortfolio
PGME: see About the Medical Education Department
Phases: Undergraduate
Physician Associates
PIEs: Planned Integrated Experiences: how to access the PIEs
PIEs: Planned Integrated Experiences booking page (password protected: contact the Undergraduate Team for access details)
Planned Integrated Experiences booking page (password protected: contact the Undergraduate Team for access details)
Portfolio: see Practitioner's ePortfolio
Postgraduate Medical Education Centre
Postgraduate Trainers: courses in medical education
Practitioner's ePortfolio
Privacy Policy: website
Radiology: Postgraduate Specialty Training
Registration: undergraduate
Renal Medicine: Postgraduate Specialty Training
Reporting isuses in training
Research papers: medical education
Respiratory Medicine: Postgraduate Specialty Training
Rheumatology: Phase 3b
Rheumatology: Postgraduate Specialty Traning
Room bookings
Rooms: overnight accommodation
Route map
Registration: undergraduate
Renal Medicine: Postgraduate Specialty Training
Reporting isuses in training
Research papers: medical education
Respiratory Medicine: Postgraduate Specialty Training
Rheumatology: Phase 3b
Rheumatology: Postgraduate Specialty Traning
Room bookings
Rooms: overnight accommodation
Route map
Safety: patients
SAS Doctors
Simulation Suite
Site: hospital (map)
Sixth Form Work Experience
So You Want to be a Doctor? 6th Form Work Experience
Specialties: Postgraduate
Specialty, Associate Specialist & Staff Grade Doctors
Staff directory
Student Assistantship
Student Room
Student Support: see Support
Supervisors: CMT
Support: for Postgraduates
Support: for Undergraduates
Surgical Training (core): Postgraduate Specialty Training
Surgical Training (higher): Postgraduate Specialty Training
SAS Doctors
Simulation Suite
Site: hospital (map)
Sixth Form Work Experience
So You Want to be a Doctor? 6th Form Work Experience
Specialties: Postgraduate
Specialty, Associate Specialist & Staff Grade Doctors
Staff directory
Student Assistantship
Student Room
Student Support: see Support
Supervisors: CMT
Support: for Postgraduates
Support: for Undergraduates
Surgical Training (core): Postgraduate Specialty Training
Surgical Training (higher): Postgraduate Specialty Training
Train travel
Trainers: postgraduate
Training Rooms
Trauma & Orthopaedics (higher surgical training): Postgraduate Specialty Training
Tutors: undergraduate
Trainers: postgraduate
Training Rooms
Trauma & Orthopaedics (higher surgical training): Postgraduate Specialty Training
Tutors: undergraduate