Rotherham is fairly close to Sheffield so that a daily journey is feasible - you'll find a lot of staff commute from Sheffield and you may be able to get a lift with one if you're having problems finding another way to get here.
However, there will be times when you'll need to stay on site to participate in on-call work. Working part or the whole of an on-call shift can be an exceedingly rewarding time for students as you often have far more opportunities for learning from other staff around you. Hence, accommodation is available for students who are on call. If you require this accommodation then you'll need to arrange it prior to your shift. Ring Verna Wilde in Accommodation on extension 7070 or 01709 361859 or 07736693133 before 10am (and at least 2 to 3 days before you need a room) to confirm that a room is available for you. The best times to contact Verna are Monday am, Wednesday am or Friday am. If Verna is on annual leave please request accommodation via the Undergraduate Office. |