This supervisors' portal provides quick answers to common questions and scenarios faced by LTFT trainees and their clinical supervisors, plus links to key contacts, training and peer support for supervisors. You may also be interested in our companion resource LTFT: For Trainees.
As supervisors it is crucial to keep open and honest channels of communication with the trainee.
Please send comments and suggestions to [email protected]. © You may adapt any parts of this page to develop local LTFT resources; please credit The Rotherham NHS Foundation Trust.
As supervisors it is crucial to keep open and honest channels of communication with the trainee.
Please send comments and suggestions to [email protected]. © You may adapt any parts of this page to develop local LTFT resources; please credit The Rotherham NHS Foundation Trust.
- If working at a LTFT %, then a trainee works that % of ALL types of shifts e.g. 60% of days, long days, nights and weekend days.
- So-called “Zero Days” are not attached to a particular shift but are added to make rotas compliant. These may not line up directly to a full time trainees zero days. This will need to be calculated on an individual basis.
- A day/long day/twilight shift should not be rostered onto a non-working day in a fixed shift pattern. Those on a fixed shift pattern can start OR finish a shift on a non-working day, but not both, without mutual agreement.
- If a trainee is rostered to a non-working day, it is NOT their responsibility to “swap”.
- If a trainee is rostered to work a “long day” but this shift finishes by 9pm, this shift doesn’t attract extra pay, therefore is treated like “normal working day,” therefore can be booked as leave without needing to swap. Read the full guidance via our LTFT page for trainees.
- SuppoRTT is a national HEE incentive to assist trainees who have had a period of time away from work to safely transition back into clinical practice:
Dr Jon Clark [email protected]
Consultant in anaesthetics and Intensive Care, Director of Medical Education and Flexible Training Champion (FTC). The FTC role is to offer support to doctors in their working practice and any other commitments they have. Dr Clare Smith [email protected] Ext: 7816 Consultant in Anaesthetics, TRFT SuppoRTT Champion (Supported Return to Training). Debbie Harrison [email protected] Medical Education Manager. As well as being our Education Manager, Debbie has experience working at Health Education Yorkshire and Humber and has working knowledge of many of their processes and procedures. Chelsea Goodwin [email protected] Medical Workforce Advisor and Medical Workforce Flexible Training Champion. Chelsea understands the challenges and regulations surrounding working LTFT with regards to hours, rotas, leave and pay. Gerry Lynch Consultant in anaesthetics and Guardian of Safe Working (GOSW). The GOSW role acts to monitor and action the exception reporting system and to meet with doctors when problems with working within hours arise. |
Who can help?
Online resources for supervisors:
Worked examples based on common queries raised by LTFT trainees:
From our LTFT Trainees resource:
Health Education England e-learning for Educational Supervisors of LTFT trainees
'Highly recommended for completion by all Educational Supervisors, Training Programme Directors, Heads of School and any person who has/may have supervisory responsibility for a LTFT trainee'.
Health Education England e-Learning for Healthcare (HEE e-LfH) has developed a 20-25 minute e-learning session for Educational Supervisors of LTFT trainee doctors. The session aims to equip healthcare professionals with the knowledge and skills to effectively supervise a LTFT trainee and raise awareness of the supervisors' responsibilities.
It covers: Your duties as a supervisor of a LTFT trainee under the Equality Act 2010; The implications of LTFT training in relation to Certificates of Completion Training (CCT) dates, Annual Reviews of Competence Progression (ARCPs) and training extensions; What LTFT training is and reasons why trainees may wish to apply; the benefits of LTFT training; How LTFT training is arranged and the different types of post arrangements available.
Access at: (If you already have an account with e-LfH you can log in at this stage to access the content. Otherwise please register for an account using your work email address).
Further information and support at:
'Highly recommended for completion by all Educational Supervisors, Training Programme Directors, Heads of School and any person who has/may have supervisory responsibility for a LTFT trainee'.
Health Education England e-Learning for Healthcare (HEE e-LfH) has developed a 20-25 minute e-learning session for Educational Supervisors of LTFT trainee doctors. The session aims to equip healthcare professionals with the knowledge and skills to effectively supervise a LTFT trainee and raise awareness of the supervisors' responsibilities.
It covers: Your duties as a supervisor of a LTFT trainee under the Equality Act 2010; The implications of LTFT training in relation to Certificates of Completion Training (CCT) dates, Annual Reviews of Competence Progression (ARCPs) and training extensions; What LTFT training is and reasons why trainees may wish to apply; the benefits of LTFT training; How LTFT training is arranged and the different types of post arrangements available.
Access at: (If you already have an account with e-LfH you can log in at this stage to access the content. Otherwise please register for an account using your work email address).
Further information and support at: