Phase 3b Lead for ENT Surgery: Mr Stuart Richards
4 consultants:
1 Specialist doctor Saad Fahmy
2 F2 trainees
2 VTS trainees
3 Core surgical trainees
4 consultants:
- Mr Stuart Richards: ENT surgeon specialising in the voice and thyroid surgery
- Mr Paul Harkness: ENT surgeon specialising in rhinology and epiphora
- Mrs Susan Douglas: ENT surgeon specialising in ear surgery and balance disorders
- Mr Alex Evans ENT surgeon specialising in Head and Neck Cancer and thyroid surgery
1 Specialist doctor Saad Fahmy
2 F2 trainees
2 VTS trainees
3 Core surgical trainees
The department of ENT in Rotherham offers a general ENT service covering all aspects of ENT for both children and adults. The hospital offers outpatient services and day surgery; emergency admissions and inpatient services are provided at Doncaster Royal Infirmary by the Rotherham team.
There are a number of specialist services in Rotherham:
A multidisciplinary head and neck cancer clinic with close working arrangements with Jenni Clarkson, specialist nurse, speech therapist Rachel Radford, specialist dietician Nasir Choudhary and maxillofacial surgeon Alan Patterson.
THYROID DISEASE (Mr S Richards and Mr A Evans)
Thyroid patients are seen on Monday afternoon (Richards) and Wednesday Morning (Evans). A multidisciplinary central cancer MDT based in Sheffield twice a month.
VOICE (Mr S Richards)
A monthly multidisciplinary voice clinic. Surgical voice restoration including laryngeal reinnervation (Rotherham is the only site in Yorkshire offering this service), local anaesthetic vocal cord injections, both temporary and permanent and Ishiki type 1 thyroplasty.
EPIPHORA (Mr P Harkness)
Mr Harkness has extensive experience of endoscopic epiphora surgery with one of the longest series of surgical procedures.
BALANCE (Mrs Douglas)
Mrs Douglas runs a multidisciplinary balance clinic with the audiology department providing diagnostic and therapeutic advice to complex balance patients.
Student doctors are welcomed to the ENT department in Rotherham. ENT teaching in Rotherham is rated the best in the region (4.6 out of 5, average for south Yorkshire 3.9, 2015 phase IIIB specialty report). During the 8 week IIIB specialties attachment students have 11.5 hours of timetabled small-group ENT teaching with a consultant supervisor. During these sessions teaching covers all aspects of emergency and elective ENT conditions. The sessions culminate with a practical session on cricothyroidotomy where every student will have the opportunity to practice the procedure on manikins and receive a certificate of training for their portfolios.
Students are encouraged to take an active part in the department. Two past students have completed audits which they have gone on to present at regional meetings.
The department of ENT in Rotherham offers a general ENT service covering all aspects of ENT for both children and adults. The hospital offers outpatient services and day surgery; emergency admissions and inpatient services are provided at Doncaster Royal Infirmary by the Rotherham team.
There are a number of specialist services in Rotherham:
A multidisciplinary head and neck cancer clinic with close working arrangements with Jenni Clarkson, specialist nurse, speech therapist Rachel Radford, specialist dietician Nasir Choudhary and maxillofacial surgeon Alan Patterson.
THYROID DISEASE (Mr S Richards and Mr A Evans)
Thyroid patients are seen on Monday afternoon (Richards) and Wednesday Morning (Evans). A multidisciplinary central cancer MDT based in Sheffield twice a month.
VOICE (Mr S Richards)
A monthly multidisciplinary voice clinic. Surgical voice restoration including laryngeal reinnervation (Rotherham is the only site in Yorkshire offering this service), local anaesthetic vocal cord injections, both temporary and permanent and Ishiki type 1 thyroplasty.
EPIPHORA (Mr P Harkness)
Mr Harkness has extensive experience of endoscopic epiphora surgery with one of the longest series of surgical procedures.
BALANCE (Mrs Douglas)
Mrs Douglas runs a multidisciplinary balance clinic with the audiology department providing diagnostic and therapeutic advice to complex balance patients.
Student doctors are welcomed to the ENT department in Rotherham. ENT teaching in Rotherham is rated the best in the region (4.6 out of 5, average for south Yorkshire 3.9, 2015 phase IIIB specialty report). During the 8 week IIIB specialties attachment students have 11.5 hours of timetabled small-group ENT teaching with a consultant supervisor. During these sessions teaching covers all aspects of emergency and elective ENT conditions. The sessions culminate with a practical session on cricothyroidotomy where every student will have the opportunity to practice the procedure on manikins and receive a certificate of training for their portfolios.
Students are encouraged to take an active part in the department. Two past students have completed audits which they have gone on to present at regional meetings.