Practitioner’s ePortfolio (PeP) is an electronic eportfolio based on the untilising the NHS Education for Scotland (NES) ePortfolio platform. It is administered by The Medical Education Department at The Rotherham NHS Foundation Trust and hosted by NES. The eportfolio is designed for ACPs, PAs and junior non training grade doctors. It is not currently suitable for higher grade non training grade doctors.
Practitioner’s ePortfolio is designed to help you draw together the information that will help you on the path to becoming a skilled and safe practitioner. With the assistance of your Supervisor, it will help you to plan your skill development and allow you to demonstrate the attainment of the attitudes, skills and knowledge that you need. PeP supports continuing professional development throughout a practitioner's career. Although this portfolio will provide a record of progress, the principal purpose is to encourage the development of good practice - and to this end it should be thought of as a Learning Portfolio. It provides a structure that will help you to prepare for meetings with your supervisor and to develop the habits of reflective learning. The system also supports the supervisor-supervisee interaction and the recording and rating of practice evidence. Furthermore, it provides a means to gain peer and patient feedback as well as a portal for annual panel assessments of training development and professional appraisal. As such, it acts as a tool to ensure educational and clinical governance for these groups of high-level practitioners, underpinning patient and professional safety. You have a responsibility to demonstrate that you are not only fit to practice, but that you maintain your fitness to practice through continuing professional development. |
Watch our video guide on how to use PeP (click the arrow below to play the video; please view this page in Chrome or Edge to see the link to the video):
Step by step guides~ Creating a Self TAB |
We would like to invite our Practitioner e-Portfolio Users to join us for our live online training. During each session we will work our way along the front page ‘ribbon’ to focus on Profile, Curriculum and PDP, Forms including TAB, Additional Achievements and Help.
To book on to a session please e-mail the PeP inbox [email protected] confirming the date you would like to attend, providing the e-mail address you would like your Teams link to be sent to and the name of the Trust you work for. We will confirm your booking and the Teams link will be sent a few days prior to commencement of training. Places are limited per session – please see below for available dates. Please note their are separate session for those in a Advanced Clinical Practice role and those in a Medical Non Training Grade Doctor role. Dates & Times:
Wednesday, 2nd Oct - 2.30-3.30pm - NTG Wednesday, 9th Oct - 2pm - 3pm - ACP Tuesday, 8th Oct - 10-11am - NTG Monday, 14th Oct - 10 - 11am - NTG Tuesday, 15th Oct - 10 -11am - ACP Thursday, 17th Oct - 3-4pm - ACP Wednesday, 23rd Oct - 2-3pm - ACP Tuesday, 29th Oct - 10am - 11am ACP Thursday, 31st Oct - 2-3PM - NTG |