Here you'll find all the key information you need on study leave for Rotherham GP STP Trainees: when you need to request study leave, details of the expenses that you can claim for, when to make your leave requests and expenses claims, and the forms you'll need to do it. If you need more in-depth information on study leave please contact us and we'll be happy to help.
New for Autumn 2018: Rotherham GP STP Trainees are now employed by Rotherham NHS Foundation Trust and so adhere to Trust policies. The Trust's reimbursement limit for accommodation ( £100+VAT per night in Tube Zone 1 of London and £75+VAT per night elsewhere in the UK) is different to that which HEE Y&H previously reimbursed.
Study Leave Allowance
Trainees are allowed 30 days Study Leave per year (pro rata for LTFT): 20 days are allocated to HDR sessions and 10 days for other courses and exams (5 days of Study Leave per 6 months).
Trainees are allowed 30 days Study Leave per year (pro rata for LTFT): 20 days are allocated to HDR sessions and 10 days for other courses and exams (5 days of Study Leave per 6 months).

When do I need to complete a Study Leave Form?
- Study leave forms are not necessary for Induction, the Scheme CSA Prep Day, HDR or Safeguarding training day. However, study leave forms must be completed for any other
training for which travel and accommodation expenses are reimbursable. - Study leave forms must be completed at least 8 weeks prior to the course/exam.
- A study leave form must be completed for exam where you will be claiming for
accommodation and travel. - Reimbursements will not be given for subsequent exam attempts.
- Download and complete the Study Leave Request Form. Include details of your estimated expenses. Details of what you may claim can be found in the Rotherham NHS Foundation Trust's Employee Expenses Policy [available on the Trust intranet]. Pass the completed form to Rotherham GPSTP Office, PGME Centre, Level D, Rotherham Hospital, Moorgate Road, Rotherham S60 2UD.
Which courses can I claim expenses for, and how much can I claim?
Please see course details below, followed by general reimbursement rates for travel and accommodation.
Please see course details below, followed by general reimbursement rates for travel and accommodation.
Core Courses
CSA & AKT Prep Courses: You can claim course fees, travel and accommodation. Trainees should attend a local course, and only attend outside the area if no course available locally. The Trust's reimbursement maximum limit for accommodation ( £100+VAT per night in Tube Zone 1 of London and £75+VAT per night elsewhere in the UK. Study Leave Form required to claim for travel and accommodation.
CSA & AKT Exams: You can claim travel and accommodation. Trainee must pay for exam fees. Accommodation allowance: maximum of £55 per night. Study Leave Form required to claim for travel accommodation. No reimbursements for retake exams.
DFSRH On-line Knowledge Assessment (eKA): You can claim the Assessment Fee - £75. Trainees can only claim the first fee. Any subsequent attempts must be paid by the Trainee.
DFSRH On-line Reg: Registration Fee of £50 is paid by the Trainee. On-line registration must be done prior to the DFSRH theory/Course of 5.
DFSRH Theory + Practical Courses: You can claim the course fee, travel and accommodation. Trainees should attend a local course, and only attend outside the area if no course available locally. Trainees who have obtained the Diploma in Family Planning Theory Course have 3 years in which to undertake their practical sessions. Claims for this can be reimbursed from the GPSTP office.
Other Courses:
Care of the Acutely Ill: You can claim travel and accommodation. Course fee is taken automatically from budget so no refund necessary
Other Courses: These can be reimbursed, but must relate to the trainees PDP and authorised by the CS/GP Trainer, ES and Senior TPD. Please ensure PDP info is attached to the Study Leave Form.
GP Update Courses/ Hot Topics/Refresher Courses: The School of GP would not usually approve or fund requests to attend the above courses. These are not considered to be the most effective way to prepare for AKT and if a trainee has already passed AKT, their knowledge has been assessed as up-to-date, evidence-based and of a standard required for independent GP Practice so attending a course would therefore not be useful or productive use of study leave. Commercial “crammer” courses will not normally be funded.

Study Leave Forms:
Study leave forms must be completed at least 8 weeks prior to the course/exam.
Study leave forms are not necessary for Induction, Scheme CSA Prep Day, HDR & Safeguarding training day.
Study leave forms must be completed for any other training that travel and accommodation is reimbursable for.
Study leave forms must be completed at least 8 weeks prior to the course/exam.
Study leave forms are not necessary for Induction, Scheme CSA Prep Day, HDR & Safeguarding training day.
Study leave forms must be completed for any other training that travel and accommodation is reimbursable for.

Overnight accommodation is reimbursed according to the Scheme Employers Study Leave policy (RFT ‘s reimbursement limits). Accommodation costs can only be claimed for courses outside the Deanery where travel to and from the venue isn't possible in one day.
Overnight accommodation is reimbursed according to the Scheme Employers Study Leave policy (RFT ‘s reimbursement limits). Accommodation costs can only be claimed for courses outside the Deanery where travel to and from the venue isn't possible in one day.

Travel by rail is reimbursed at the 2nd class fare rate. First class rail travel will not be reimbursed. (NHS Policy)
It is advisable to book travel tickets and accommodation at the same time as booking the course to keep costs to a minimum. If tickets are purchased near to the date of travel and these are more expensive, the full ticket price may not be reimbursed. Tickets must be sent in with your claim form. Car Mileage = .24p per mile Passenger mileage = .5p per mile
Travel by rail is reimbursed at the 2nd class fare rate. First class rail travel will not be reimbursed. (NHS Policy)
It is advisable to book travel tickets and accommodation at the same time as booking the course to keep costs to a minimum. If tickets are purchased near to the date of travel and these are more expensive, the full ticket price may not be reimbursed. Tickets must be sent in with your claim form. Car Mileage = .24p per mile Passenger mileage = .5p per mile

Reimbursement :
Claims must be accompanied by receipts, tickets and certificates of attendance where applicable. Claims are done via the Trust’s e-Allocate system and must be submitted no more than 6 weeks following the course. See our notes below on how to access and use the e-Allocate Employee Online system. Trainees will not be reimbursed if claim forms are received more than 6 weeks after the course.
Claims must be accompanied by receipts, tickets and certificates of attendance where applicable. Claims are done via the Trust’s e-Allocate system and must be submitted no more than 6 weeks following the course. See our notes below on how to access and use the e-Allocate Employee Online system. Trainees will not be reimbursed if claim forms are received more than 6 weeks after the course.

How do I claim expenses?
- All expenses must be claimed via the Trust’s ‘Allocate e-Expenses’, a module of the Trust e-Rostering system. The Allocate e-Expenses can be accessed through Roster Employee Online where you also check your rota and request annual leave. Trainees should receive a Medic Online login once you are employed by the Trust but in case you are not given this, please email [email protected] for your login details.
- Read our step-by-step guide to Submitting expense claims on e-Roster/Employee Online.
- If you are claiming mileage, you must register your car with Greyfleet. You will be asked to provide a number of documents about your car. Please put Debbie Harrison down as your line manager, [email protected].
- The Allocate e-Expenses Employee Online User Guide provides more information about the software for general users.
- Details of what you may claim can be found in the Rotherham NHS Foundation Trust's Employee Expenses Policy [available on the Trust intranet].
- Trainees will not be reimbursed if claim forms are received more than 6 weeks after the study.